Supporting Management of Hybrid OSS Communities – A Stakeholder Analysis Approach

In Hybrid Open Source Software projects, independent and commercially oriented stakeholders collaborate using freely accessible tools and development processes. Here, contributors can enter and leave the community flexibly, which poses a challenge for community managers in ensuring the sustainability of the community. This short paper reports initial results from an industrial case study of the “Qt” Open Source Software project. We present a visual stakeholder analysis approach, building on data from the three systems that provide for the Qt project’s complete software development workflow. This overview, augmented with information about the stakeholders’ organizational affiliations, proved to help the project’s community manager in finding potential for encouraging contributors and to identify issues that can potentially be detrimental for the community.

Hanna Mäenpää, Tero Kojo, Myriam Munezero, Fabian Fagerholm, Terhi Kilamo, Mikko Nurminen, Tomi Männistö (University of Helsinki): Supporting Management of Hybrid OSS Communities – A Stakeholder Analysis Approach. In: Abrahamsson P., Jedlitschka A., Nguyen Duc A., Felderer M., Amasaki S., Mikkonen T. (eds) Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. PROFES 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10027. Springer, Cham