Since 1999, PROFES has established itself as one of the recognized interna- tional process improvement conferences. The main theme of PROFES is profes- sional software process improvement (SPI) motivated by product, process, and service quality needs. PROFES 2014 addressed both quality engineering and management topics, including processes, methods, techniques, tools, organiza- tions, and enabling SPI. Solutions found in practice and relevant research results from academia were presented.
A committee of leading experts in SPI, software process modeling, and em- pirical software engineering selected the technical program. This year, 45 full papers were submitted. At least three independent experts reviewed each paper. After a thorough evaluation, 18 technical full papers were finally selected (40% acceptance rate).
Furthermore, we received 22 short paper submissions. Each submission was reviewed by three members from the PROFES Program Committee. Based on the reviews and overall assessments, 14 short papers were accepted for presen- tation at the conference and for inclusion in the proceedings.
The topics addressed in this year’s papers indicate that SPI is still a vibrant research discipline, but is also of high interest for industry. Several papers report on case studies or SPI-related experience gained in industry.
The papers addressed the following topics:
– Agile Development
– Decision-Making
– Development Practices and Issues – Product Planning
– Project Management
15th International Conference, PROFES 2014, Helsinki, Finland, December 10-12, 2014.
Editors: Andreas Jedlitschka, Pasi Kuvaja, Marco Kuhrmann, Tomi Männistö, Jürgen Münch, Mikko Raatikainen: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement