Developing a measure for business model innovation capability

Business model innovation is a contemporary research topic that has gathered considerable interest from both practitioners and academics. Thus far, this increasingly important, cross-disciplinary stream of research has consisted mainly of exploratory, conceptual or case-based empirical approaches. The goal of this paper is to develop a multi-item construct for measuring the business model innovation capability of companies in quantitative studies. Preliminary results of its usability are also reported from a quantitative pilot study with data from Finnish cleantech SME sector.

The following factors emerged from the factor analysis: network competence, learning orientation, value re-configuration, strategic agility and market sensing. Surprisingly, resource reconfiguration did not emerge as one of the dimensions of the business model innovation capability construct.

Liisa-Maija Sainio and Hanna Salojärvi (Lappeenranta University of Technology): Developing a measure for business model innovation capability

Presented at ISPIM Americas, Montreal 5.-8.10. 2014.,%20Montreal,%20Canada%20-%205-8%20October%202014/sainio_liisa-maija.html