JAMK designs product line for businesses and communities

Company production lines are usually not public. Now the N4S@JAMK project team of the JAMK University of Applied Sciences has designed and implemented a holistic production line chain for the design of digital services. The production line chain, now known by the working title Corolla, and the different processes essentially related to it offer opportunities for software companies, startups, researchers and students to see for themselves and test in practice how a modern production development line works. A byproduct of this development work is the Contriboard tool used for validating the functionality of the product line, which will be released as an open source product.

A project team of around 10 persons designed a production line that allows any company or community to develop products according to the themes of the N4S program.

”A working example of a development environment allows open discussion, exchange of ideas and the testing of new ideas. The aim is to make the mystical adjustment of tools at least slightly more sensible,” says JAMK Team Leader Marko Rintamäki.

Read the rest of Rintamäki’s interview here:




Rintamäki sees a need for the exchange of ideas, because the production lines of commercial companies are rarely public, and some, such as small startup companies, don’t necessarily have time to think about processes.
”Companies are used to designing products and services using their own models of operation. However, the present-day need to quickly produce products for the market also forces them to look for outside examples, because they are cost-efficient. Large companies may test parts of our implemented solution in their own internal projects, for example.”

Read rest of Rintamäki’s interview here:
